El Helou Rouba

University Lecturer, Notre Dame University
Technical and Academia
Also participated in
Beirut 2014
Short Biography
Ms. Rouba El Helou is a lecturer at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon. She has a Professional master degree in journalism from «Le Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Journalistes» (C.F.P.J.), «Institut Français de Presse» (I.F.P.) and «la Faculté d’Information et de Documentation de l’Université Libanaise». She is currently pursuing higher education leading to a Ph.D in media studies. She worked as a journalist at the Legal Magazine (Al Majalla Al Kadaiyat), the first specialized law magazine in the Levant region since 1921; the magazine was published by Sader Group. She translated and adapted the first Arabic online media ethics guide, which was launched during the first edition of the Media Studies Forum titled “Ethics of Digital Media and Online Knowledge Production”, which she organized (MSF14).
She is experienced in the use of the Internet to facilitate research, SEO campaigns including keyword research, online reputation management campaigns and copywriting, she has an experience in educational technology and in the use of teaching materials. She is also a trainer on online news gathering, on news verification process, in online content and in social media strategy creating.
Ms. El Helou has more than eight years of experience as a media lecturer, as a journalist, and as a media trainer.